Pork is one of the most extensively consumed meat globally. It is a vital source of animal protein for humans because of its nutritional value, distinctive chemical composition, and well-balanced prot
Pork is one of the most extensively consumed meat globally. It is a vital source of animal protein for humans because of its nutritional value, distinctive chemical composition, and well-balanced protein content. Fat content and composition, water holding capacity, color, oxidative stability, and uniformity are the main attributes determining pork quality.
While it is true that exponential human population growth has occurred over the last few decades resulting in a significant rise in the demand for meat and its products. In the past, when the pork producers were paid strictly on a live-weight basis, it was to their advantage to optimize average daily gain and feed conversion ratio, this often resulted in carcasses with excess fat. But today’s modern consumers are increasingly critical of the food they eat hence for producers who market on a lean value-based system, carcass parameters are equally important along with growth performance.
High levels of fat in the human diet can lead to excessive weight gain which increases the risk of the occurrence of health problems. Therefore, consumers are concerned about reducing the quantity of fat consumed in their diets and consequently prefer meat that is lean and has less visible fat. A major focus of the pork industry in the past few decades has been to increase lean tissue deposition to produce pig carcasses with a higher lean-to-fat ratio.
Lean pork is a nutrient-dense source of protein and several other nutrients such as thiamine, vitamin B6, phosphorus, niacin, potassium, riboflavin, and zinc.
Nutrition is one of the most influential factors that have an effect on pork quality and the overall profitability of pork production.Numerous feeding strategies can be used in growing-finishing pigs like manipulating the quantity and composition of the feed given, which will be effective in achieving desirable carcass composition and muscle characteristics per consumer demands in cost effective manner.
In an attempt to meet consumer demand for lean meat, synthetic additives like ractopamine (RAC) have been used in swine feed. Ractopamine (RAC) is known to promotes muscle mass development, limit fat deposition, and reduce feed consumption. However, it has several undesirable behavioral side effects including restlessness, agitation, excessive oral-facial movements, and aggressive behavior. This leads to increases in necessity of alternatives to attend lean pork in swine.
Innovative feed additives and supplements can be used as alternative to synthetic additives like ractopamine. They are designed to enhance nutrient absorption, promote muscle growth, and improve overall meat quality. ‘METALEAN’ is a leading example.
Enhancing Pork Quality with METALEAN: A Lean Meat Feed supplement
‘METALEAN’, a phytogenic lean growth supplement for pigs. It promotes uniform growth performance, improves feed efficiency and carcass characteristics.
The back-fat thickness in pigs could be considered as a primary index for predicting the yield of lean meat. The higher back fat thickness can impact lean meat quality adversely, ‘Metalean’ helps to lower back fact thickness and improves dressing percentage.
‘METALEAN’ can be efficiently used as a lean meat feed additive in pigs. The phytoactives in METALEAN influence insulin-like growth factors, which are one of the potent growth factors associated with a wide range of metabolic processes. The biological actions of IGF I are controlled mainly through the stomach, duodenum, and muscle tissue. METALEAN triggers the IGF-targeted gut-brain axis, which controls the fat and protein metabolism. It also upregulates fatty acid breakdown and limits fatty acid synthesis. Additionally, components from Allium and Piper species enhance diet-induced thermogenesis, further supporting fat reduction and muscle development.
Supplementation with METALEAN not only promotes a leaner meat profile but also enhances key pork quality parameters such as color, firmness, marbling, and water-holding capacity. These improvements make the pork more attractive to consumers and increase its marketability.
Choose ‘METALEAN’ for an effective, natural solution to meet consumer demand for leaner pork!
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